2024 Beaver Dam Holiday Parade Entry for Saturday, December 7, 2024!
Entry Fee: $20
Entry Deadline: November 15th to assure your place an line and judging eligibility.
Parade Starts: 5:00 pm
Theme: "Rock'n the Holidays"
Judging Criteria:
Creativity/Originality of decorations
1st Place $50/2nd Place $25.
Overall appearance-display of holiday spirit, display of lights, crowd interaction & music, etc.
1st Place $50/2nd Place $25
NEW THIS YEAR-- People Choice
Parade Line Up: begins at 4:00 pm along the parade route - you will get your location on the parade route and a check in/lineup time prior to the day of the parade.
Parade Route: 100 block of Front St to 100-300 blocks of Spring St.
Please review all important information, judging criteria and parade rules. By signing up you are acknowledging you agree to abide by the parade rules.
Questions: Email info@beaverdamchamber.com or call 920-887-8879
Important Information:
· Contacts will be notified one week prior to the date of the parade with their entry location and line up time
· Parade entry winners will be announced after the parade through Good Karma Broadcasting with prizes awarded to each winner the following week
· Parade line up—you will receive notification of when and where you should report via text or email
· It is very important your entry arrives on time
Parade Rules:
· No Living Santas are allowed on any Parade Entry. For all children's enjoyment, there will be only one live Santa in the parade.
· For the safety of all and the security of our Parade Permit, candy cannot be thrown from an entry, it must be handed out along the route
· Entries with Horses/animals must clean up after themselves
· Parade entrants must not be intoxicated nor consume intoxicants during line up or parade
· All persons riding on floats or in vehicles must be positioned for safety
· All entries, floats, trailers, vehicles must not be overcrowded, again for rider health and safety
Judging Criteria:
· Creativity/originality of decorations
· Overall appearance—display of holiday spirit, display of lights, etc.
· Music, singing and crowd interaction will all be taken into consideration
· NEW in 2024– People's Choice Awards– Organization must submit their best photo of their float by end of day Sunday, December 8th to the DBDI Facebook page. Photos will be posted and voted on that week and the photo with the most likes will be named the winner on Saturday, December 14.
Waiver Release Statement (registration signifies acceptance of terms)
I hereby submit my application for participation in the 2024 Beaver Dam Holiday Parade I agree to comply with all the rules and regulations as determined by the DBDI Parade Committee, the Chamber of Commerce and officials. I hold the City of Beaver Dam, the Beaver Dam Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Beaver Dam, Inc., and all businesses and volunteers involved in the parade, free of any and all personal liability and/or property damage to myself, my property or to other persons on their property, which may be caused as the result of my participation in this event. I understand the Parade Committee reserves the right to reject any entry. If you have animals in your entry, I acknowledge that I will be responsible for any injury to a spectator and/or participants and IMMEDIATELY clean up any animal waste that my occur during the parade route.